We can’t do this alone.

Collaboration is indispensable to address the community cat situation in any city, county or country around the world.
FINDING HELP – To find out who’s helping community cats near you, Google the name of your town plus search terms like TNR, Feral Cats, Community Cats, Cat Rescue, etc. The local groups should come up or ask a local veterinarian or Animal Control whom they know working to help free-roaming cats.
These sites have valuable general info:

A joint program of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals and Neighborhood Cats, two private non-profit organizations committed to solving New York City’s feral cat overpopulation crisis through TNR.

A national resource for information about the legal issues surrounding TNR in various parts of the country and how to address local lawmakers when necessary to benefit community cats.

The Animal Care Centers of NYC website is the place to quickly post info about a found or lost animal. They also have a progressive attitude to Community Cat care and an expanding program as funding allows. Ear-tipped cats arriving at one of the ACCs are not put down as before, but now returned or relocated as possible through their Return to Field program.

Works with shelters nationwide on community cat issues and operates a free Spay/Neuter clinic in NYC for the Community Cat caretakers registered with them.

The Humane Society
Like Urban Cat League, The Humane Society actively advocates community-based Trap-Neuter-Return programs with on-going responsible management as the most viable, long-term approach to reduce free-roaming cat populations.

Hard Hat Cats
Arranges providing cats to a working cat situation where the presence of cats can provide a non-toxic rodent deterrent and offer a second chance to cats from the NYC Animal Care Centers. Breweries, Community Gardens and many NY businesses are among the places to have already benefitted by adopting a Hard Hat Cat.